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No one tortures you but your own conscience. Make your nature sweet and loveable, and you will win the love of all. You are a special person.
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When others make mistakes, do not count them. Allow them, however, to COUNT on you for your cooperation and understanding. You are a special person
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Before performing any actions, stop for a moment, think of the effect it will have, and then begin. In essence my friends ‘think before you think.’ You are a special person.
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When there is faith and hope in the mind, success can be gained. If the thoughts are weak, there is defeat. You are a special person.
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If you gave a lot of time to improve yourself, Then there won’t be any time left to criticize others. You are a special person.
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If your face is always full of worry, you will cause those close to you be worried. You are a special person.
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Since the eyes are the windows to the soul, then it is important to keep your windows clean. You are a special person.
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Happiness is lost when any thought of envy or hatred creeps in. Thoughts of love and good wishes cure all sorrow. You are a special person.
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If you are sweet tempered, you cannot cause sorrow to anyone. You will give no sorrow and you will take no sorrow. You will always remain sweet, very sweet!! You are a special person.
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The one who can adjust to any situation with humility, possesses true greatness. You are a special person.
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When the mind is tired, every single action requires great effort. You are a special person.
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Real power and authority is not power and authority over others, but power and authority over the self. You are a special person.
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If you are faced with adverse situations, stop crying and start trying. You are a special person.
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If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears. Keep your vision clear so that you don’t miss the next one. You are a special person.
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Cheerfulness lifts up the spirit of the one who possesses it and brings a smile to the lips of others. You are a special person.
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If I constantly keep others negative behaviors and weaknesses in my mind, soon and very soon, they will become a part of me. You are a special person.
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If you always hide from the truth, then you must be enjoying the company of falsehood. You are a special person.
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If you often get the feeling that you have to tolerate a lot from others, it means that you are still learning to TOLERATE. You are a special person.
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Always wear the COSTUME of humility and you will receive PROTECTION and the love and the co-operation of others. After all, HUMILITY is the MOTHER of all our virtues. You are a special person.
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If you become impatient to experience the results of your efforts, it will be like trying to eat unripe fruits. The results will be bitter/sour. You are a special person.
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To give happiness to others is a great act of charity. You are a special person.
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If you realize that everyone is an individual with their own unique part to play, then the power of tolerance is easy to develop. You are a special person.
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If someone defames you or insults you, shower them with flowers, smiles and good wishes – it’s called ‘turning the other cheek.’ You are a special person.
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As thoughts are the seeds of all actions, let me plant only good, pure seeds so that the fruits will be the best. You are a special person.
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When others use ANGER as a weapon against you, keep HUMILITY as your armor and experience protection. You are a special person.
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If someone speaks to you in anger, pour the soothing waters of love on the fire. You are a special person
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What was the future happens now. What happens now eventually becomes the past; so why worry about anything?. You are a special person.
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Many people think a lot and say a lot, but do little when it’s time to act. You are a special person
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Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great WEALTH. You are a special person.
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If you care only for yourself, others will begin to care less for you. You are a special person.
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A good, clean minded person sees the good points of others. A dirty minded person is always looking for dirt and often finds it in him/herself. You are a special person
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To UNDERSTAND something you need knowledge. However to FEEL it you need experience. You are a special person
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It is the hour of TRIAL that makes us great, not the hour of TRIUMPH. You are a special person
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If you avoid someone because of his skin color, it is the same as hating a person because of the clothes he wears. You are a special person.
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Physical beauty can be lost with marks of age or thru accidents. Spiritual beauty cannot be destroyed. You are a special person.
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If you are always OVERLY proud of yourself, very soon you will reach the stage in which you start despising others. You are a special person.
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If you have special skills/talents and use them for evil, it will change into a handicap.
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Sometimes we force others to change because we want them to be how we want them to be.
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If a task is performed in the consciousness that God is your companion, then the impossible becomes possible
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The beauty of all things lies in your ability to appreciate them
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Greatness is achieved when you are able to laugh and be happy, even when faced with difficult situations.
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Sometimes due to hatred and jealousy we try to degrade others, and in doing so we degrade ourselves.
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If man cannot find peace in himself, can he then find peace in this world?
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It is more profitable to give help than to expect help. When you give, it comes back to you many-fold.
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“In a world of constant sorrow, what brings greater wealth – money or happiness? You are a special person”
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Decent Man
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