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Of all the words we speak, how many of them are Godly? You are a special person
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The one who FULLY understands himself is TRULY able to stand by himself. You are a special person
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Where WISDOM is called for, FORCE is of little use. You are a special person
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The lie you tell today will force you to lie again tomorrow – STOP IT NOW!! You are a special person
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If there is turmoil internally, everything outside will appear dark and confusing. Sort out the mind and everything will appear light and bright once again. You are a special person
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It only takes an OUNCE of courage to remove a TON of stress. You are a special person
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Spiritual love is always elevating, while physical love pins you down You are a special person
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The more you try to guess, the less the mind is at rest. Think less and more positive thoughts You are a special person
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The account of happiness is credited when we remember God, but debited when we forget ‘Him’ You are a special person
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When you burn with the ‘fire’ of anger, ‘smoke’ gets in your ‘eyes’ and render you sightless. Remain calm, ALWAYS!! You are a special person
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If you want to advance in life, make sure your WANTS don’t advance. You are a special person
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When one observes the beauty that is within God, it becomes easy to appreciate the beauty within ‘His’ creation. You are a special person
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Love of God makes you love many. Love of just ONE person makes you hate many – First, love thy self. You are a special person
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If you spend a moment each morning to sort out your thoughts and remember God, your day will be filled with magic. You are a special person
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If your mind is caught in bondage and problems of the past, you will not experience the joys of the present. You are a special person
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Everyone has a right to change their mind. Constantly having someone influence the change, is to give up said rights. You are a special person
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To tolerate someone even after they make a mistake is a good act of compassion. To forgive them is even greater, however. You are a special person
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We may forget our own innate virtuous qualities, but God never forgets them in us. You are a special person
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Truth is truth and doesn’t need to be proven – lies do… You are a special person…~carl b moxie~
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The more one looks for defects in others, the more he will become affected. Weaknesses are contagious. You are a special person
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In today’s society, if evil helps us to the top; evil is what it will take to keep us on top. You are a special person
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Devils attract devils, but cannot remain friends – Angels do.. You are a special person
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If you enjoy PRAISE, it means you can be easily hurt by DEFAMATION. You are a special person
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If you care ONLY for yourself, others will begin to care LESS for you. You are a special person
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A clean minded person sees the good points of others. A dirty minded person always looks for dirt. You are a special person
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To UNDERSTAND something you need KNOWLEDGE, but to FEEL it you need EXPERIENCE. You are a special person
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It is the hour of trial that makes one great, not the hour of triumph. You are a special person
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God has a BROAD back; if you are BURDENED let ‘Him’ carry your LOAD. You are a special person
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If someone finds himself in a privilege position and uses it to do evil, it will change into a handicap. . You are a special person
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Sometimes we force others to change because we want them to be how we want them to be. You are a special person
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the beauty of all things lies in your ability to appreciate them. You are a special person
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Out of jealousy, we sometimes try to degrade others; in doing so we degrade ourselves. You are a special person
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We explore the stars and the depths of the sea, but how much do we know of ourselves? You are a special person
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The more love you give, the more you receive; the more you have, the easier it becomes to give. You are a special person
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If man cannot find peace within himself, then how can there be peace in this world? You are a special person
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In a world of constant sorrow, what brings greater wealth – money or happiness? You are a special person
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When a person surrenders to God, he switches his mind to ‘Him’ and acts accordingly. You are a special person
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If you consider all your actions are for God, then every task becomes a pleasure to perform. You are a special person
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We are limited to the amount of help we can give to others. It is better to help others come closer to God. You are a special person
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Unless you develop self-respect, you’ll always remain under someone else’s ‘foot.’ You are a special person
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God has love for all his children. So what right would you have to hate any child of God. You are a special person
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Once you experience God, there’s no need to look for anyone better. You are a special person
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Before you point your finger of criticism, see how much dirt there is under your fingernails. You are a special person
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If your thoughts are clean, it becomes quite easy to do what you say. You are a special person
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We sometimes think and say a lot but back down when it comes time to DOING – think little, speak less!!. You are a special person
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Is it possible to have UNITY in a world when each country feels that their weapons are bigger/better than their neighbors… Release your minds of all WEAPONRIES. You are a special person
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God is the Ocean of all our virtues. If you are burning with any VICE, take a dip in that OCEAN.. You are a special person
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Time is life – wasting time is wasting one’s life. You are a special person
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Good, clean competition is healthy, but jealousy is a fatal illness. You are a special person
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A simple way to remove fear is to seek spiritual knowledge and understanding You are a special person
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By acquiring much worldly knowledge you could develop arrogance; with spiritual study there is greater and greater humility. You are a special person
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By acquiring much worldly knowledge you could develop arrogance; with spiritual study there is greater and greater humility. You are a special person
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If clouds of doubts remain in the MIND from something of yester-year, water will continue to fall from the EYES. Let go of the past and live for the present. You are a special person.
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We all must face problems. It is how we face them that counts. Face them with confidence. You are a special person
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This is a mad, mad world; however it makes good sense to be MADLY in love with God. You are a special person.
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It is better to make use of a chance to CHANGE rather than try to change our CHANCES. You are a special person
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No matter how great your words may be, you will be judged by your actions. Choose right actions. You are a special person
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COMPOUND TRUTH PROPORTION: ‘Since’ God is our SUPREME Father, ‘then’ each of us must carry ‘His’ DNA/QUALITIES; ‘therefore’ we are all SPIRITUAL BEINGS. You are a special person
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SIMPLE PROPORTION: ‘Since’ God is SUPREME Father, Teacher, Friend and Guide; ‘therefore’ there should be no fear of ANYTHING or ANYONE in this physical world. You are a special person
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Without SIMPLICITY and HUMILITY, one cannot gain the affection of others – be HUMBLE. You are a special person
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Life is like a DRAMA. If you understand the PLOT, there is great HAPPINESS. You are a special person
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You can be instrumental in solving problems of others instead of being a problem yourself. You are a special person
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Jealousy and hatred cannot exist in your heart if you know that your real quality is to love. You are a special person
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When you are angry, a great deal of energy is used up and wasted. Use ENERGY wisely. You are a special person
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If yesterday was lost in grief, don’t lose today by keeping it in your memory – let go & let God. You are a special person
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To have the use of your eyes is a very special gift. Thru those eyes you should always give love, peace and happiness as a gift to others. You are a special person
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Acquired vices turn man away from God; Divine virtues however, bring man closer to God – in what direction are you facing today? You are a special person
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Just as ‘false pride’ is born out of EGOISM, so too is delusion the result of ATTACHMENT… SELF-CONTROL will give you UNLIMITED control You are a special person
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Don’t be puzzled by problems, whatever they may be. Always face them as if they are examinations you have to pass. You are a special person
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One word spoken with love can soothe the sorrowful hearts of many. Speak softly, sweetly and gently. You are a special person
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Knowledge of the self as a spiritual being, a child of God, helps free the mind of ‘dormant’ and negative conditionings – that is the greatest discovery even before science – you are awakened to the truth that…. You are a special person
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If you make others believe you are something that you are not, then who is being fooled? Be yourself. You are a special person
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Very fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy. Be kind – be humble – be loving. You are a special person
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The two greatest healers are God and Time – PERIOD!! You are a special person
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Balance is the real foundation of a happy life. Keep this ALWAYS in your mind and your present and future will ALWAYS remain bright. You are a special person
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Morality and virtue are more precious than gems; they give satisfaction to mankind, endear ‘him’ to God and to ‘his’ fellowman. You are a special person
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You may recover from a slip of the foot, but a slip of the tongue leaves a deep imprint. Keep a CIVIL tongue. You are a special person
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The ONLY solution to the most difficult problems today in the society, the country and the world, is CHARACTER – If CHARACTER is lost, no prestige remains – make your FOUNDATION strong. You are a special person
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Thinking of evil or being afraid of evil brings evil on one’s head – think positive. You are a special person
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No one defames you except your own nature. Make your nature sweet and loveable; and then you’ll win the love of all. You are a special person
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An honest person is satisfied with himself as much as others are satisfied with him. You are a special person
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If you are always HONEST in all your dealings, you can never experience FEAR – happy New Year. You are a special person
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When there is HONESTY in the mind, success can be gained – if your thoughts are WEAK, there will be defeat – happy New Year. You are a special person
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Give a lot of time to the improvement of yourself, then there is no time to criticize others – happy New Year. You are a special person
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If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears; keep your vision clear so that you will not miss the next one – happy New Year. You are a special person
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Relationships based on falsehood are like houses built with their foundations in mud – toppling is a must!!! Build your relationships, all relationships, on sound foundation with love, trust, honesty, independence, friendship and dependability, just to name a few – happy New Year. You are a special person
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It’s that time once again to re-affirm the truth that it is much easier to adopt something new than to rid the self of something old – happy New Year. You are a special person
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If you spend an hour doing something worthwhile, there is one HUNDRED fold gain. If you waste an hour in useless actions, there is one THOUSAND fold loss. Spend your time wisely and productively. Happy New Year. You are a special person
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Always remain absorbed in God’s love and you will become victorious in all situations. You are a special person
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Take one step of courage and you will receive THOUSAND FOLD help from God. You are a special person
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Hand over the burden of all your troubles to God and become DOUBLE-LIGHT. You are a special person
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Whether someone gives you something good or bad, give everyone love and cooperation, and have mercy for all. You are a special person
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Where there is the ENLIGHTENMENT of spiritual knowledge, the darkness of ignorance and arrogance cannot exist. Happy Holy days – may you become a STICK for the BLIND. You are a special person
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Fear and worry seem to be natural companions for most of us these days. However our original state of being is one of peace and serenity. You are a special person
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Understanding ourselves better is the key to understanding others and enhancing our relationships with our one another. You are a special person
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THOUGHTS ARE LIKE SEEDS: Angry and depressed thoughts produce painful thorns and poisonous weeds. Churn on ONLY good and positive thoughts. You are a special person
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THOUGHTS ARE LIKE SEEDS: Loving and happy thoughts produce beautiful flowers and nourishing fruits. You are a special person
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The virtue of GREATNESS is all around us and have many faces. Every day, everywhere, we see and experience people living lives of service and caring for others. There is nothing HYPERBOLIC about such services and care. You are a special person
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