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Having good wishes for others, no matter what they have become, is sure to produce a positive outcome from even the most negative situation. You are a special person
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Learning and teaching are players in the same game. If either one stops, everything becomes heavy and ceases to be fun – keep on ‘trucking.’ You are a special person
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In the midst of uncertainty, keep determination in your thoughts. You are a special person
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Tolerance does not mean simply to ‘bear and grin’ on any situation. it means to respond to all situations with understanding and compassion, and never to allow your ‘peace of mind’ and ‘sense of contentment’ to be diminished and/or disturbed. You are a special person
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Find at least one good quality in everyone, no matter how many defects are visible to you. The more you focus on the good in others, the more power you give to them. You are a special person
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When you build a house, every brick counts. When you build character, every thought counts. You are what you think – cultivate good thoughts. You are a special person
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We tend to see things not as they are but as we are… becoming quiet and simple inside is the first step towards seeing things truly. You are a special person
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God sees only the best in us. Having mercy on yourself means to be true to God’s vision of you – of that perfection. You are a special person
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The world is a cyclic/revolving drama stage on which we play many different roles – in each play we write our own script, slip into our respective ‘designated costumes,’ and play our individual parts among other ‘on-stage actors.’ At the end of each play we ‘undress,’ slip into another ‘costume’ to play yet another role – no one can play our roles as accurately as we can… so it behooves you to write the best script you can for yourself and yourself ALONE!! It is at the end of each play, we are remembered for the parts we each played – play your parts well, cause.. You are a special person
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We have been brilliantly taught that success has everything to do with accumulation and achievement. You are a special person
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We have been brilliantly taught that someone else, other than ourselves, are responsible for what we feel – happy or sad. You are a special person
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It’s not what they say or do that makes you feel that way, it’s what you do with what they say or do that makes you feel that way. You are a special person
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You can only travel life’s journey on your own; however you can always show others the way. You are a special person
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It’s not nearly enough to simply PRAISE God; but to GLORIFY ‘Him’ by bringing ‘His’ virtues into our lives, is the UTMOST. You are a special person
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Hope, enthusiasm and wisdom are to the mind as food is to the body. Everyone needs daily sustenance. Happy thanksgiving. You are a special person
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Don’t try to ALWAYS prove yourself right. Let others learn thru your examples. You are a special person
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Do not lose hope in those who have lost hope in themselves. Exercise patience and understanding; and of course ‘show some love.’ You are a special person
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People with bad tempers are really angry with themselves – the less you you speak, the more you are listened to. You are a special person
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The human soul today forgets to whom it belongs and starts reacting without referring to spiritual values. You are a special person
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To remain free from wasteful and gross feelings starts with having only good positive thoughts. Positive thoughts make you feel light and tension free. Negative thoughts make you feel heavy and sluggish…. How are you feeling today? You are a special person
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Jealousy cannot exist if you know your real quality is to love – if a task is performed with love, there is instant success. You are a special person
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People who truly understand themselves are able to stand by themselves. Take one step with courage and God will give thousand-fold help. You are a special person
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If you come to know yourself better, you will gain a better understanding of other people and situations around you. You are a special person
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You don’t always have to teach by telling, but by the state of being you can inspire. Wake up from the consciousness of ‘human-doings’ to the ‘human-beings’ WE truly are. You are a special person
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Keep your face in the SUN (positivity) and you won’t be bothered by SHADOWS (negativity) You are a special person
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Your thoughts create your feelings. To save yourself from painful feelings, think not about useless or negative things. You are a special person
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Every day has hidden SECRETS, you have SEEN it many, many times. You are a special person
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Thoughts are like boomerangs. They keep coming back – however, past is past. You are a special person
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All friendly feelings towards others come from the friendly feelings you have for yourself – thoughts create the atmosphere. You are a special person
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When there is faith and victory in the mind, success can be gained. If the thoughts are weak, there will be defeat – develop a strong and positive mind. You are a special person
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When an obstacle comes your way, stop crying and start trying You are a special person
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If you have the habit of waiting for others, soon and very soon you will be left behind. Keep up the pace, cause… You are a special person
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If you seek happiness OUTSIDE you are guaranteed to make yourself unhappy INSIDE. You are a special person
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If you come to know yourself BETTER, you will gain BETTER understanding of other people and situations around you. You are a special person
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If you allow yourself to be dependent on praise and fame, insult and defamation will destroy you – remain humble. You are a special person
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The first step towards forgiveness is knowing that we are not our actions, even though we are responsible for them… though we all make mistakes, we are all innately good – all of us. You are a special person
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Weapons by themselves are not dangerous; it is anger within people that is harmful. You are a special person
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Learning to know and accept yourself frees you from hatred of others. You are a special person
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To have love for God is to love ALL of humanity. You are a special person
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Let you be the one to make such efforts that others can be inspired to follow your example. You are a special person
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People with bad tempers are really angry with themselves you know…. The less you speak, the more you are listened to – speak sweetly, softly, and gently. You are a special person
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A simple way to remove fear is to seek knowledge and understanding. Where wisdom is called for, force is of little use. Become calm under all conditions. You are a special person
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The more you understand yourself, the easier it is to remain peaceful and happy. You are a special person
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When you are content, you are broad minded, cooperative and easy to approach. You are a special person
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If you wanted something and didn’t get it, maybe, just maybe, you don’t need it at all. Condition the mind and remain cool and CONTENDED under all conditions. You are a special person
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When there is love and happiness in your heart, there is life – contentment and bliss go hand in hand. Just being happy helps others along. You are a special person
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Even with a SMALL savings account, some who are CONTENT find themselves with GREAT wealth – they are satisfied with their standard of living – they live peace-filled lives. Today you should feel STRESS-FREE, cause… You are a special person
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A generous heart will quickly become a precious heart. One word spoken with love can soothe a sorrowful heart. You are a special person
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Happiness is lost when any thought of envy or anger creeps in… thoughts of love and good wishes cure ALL sorrows. You are a special person
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Relationships based on falsehood are like houses built with their foundations in mud. Pure love is the basis of eternal relationships. You are a special person
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Good clean competition is healthy. Jealousy, however, is a fatal illness. You are a special person
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The search of SELF requires truth to the SELF. You are a special person
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To give money in charity is good, however to be a pure, charitable soul is far greater – in essence, to give happiness to others is a great act of charity. You are a special person
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The one who truly understands himself is able to stand by himself, always. You are a special person
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Experiencing God’s peace, I am peaceful. Experiencing ‘His’ love, I am loving. Experiencing ‘His’ contentment, I am contented. You are a special person
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If a man is unable to control his own anger, how can he then criticize anyone for their lack of ability to control themselves? You are a special person
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Now is the time to act and solve your problems and not succumb to lame excuses. Get up and get a move on!!! You are a special person
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Man knows how to apply the comma and full-stop of a language. He knows not how to apply the full-stop to negative thoughts . You are a special person
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When jealousy raises its ugly head, even the ones we say we love become our enemies…. Love is a great power, but it takes power to have PURE love. You are a special person
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If you RELY on too many people, you increase your chances of being disappointed. RELY on self and take help from God, ONLY. You are a special person
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Being flowers in God’s garden, we are expected to live in our natural state of peace and spread our fragrance all around us. You are a special person
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We are like flowers – we are the flowers of the garden of God. In this worldwide garden of everyday hustle and bustle, we too are threatened with pollution and degraded circumstances; but in essence…… You are a special person
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It is not by chance that flowers are given for every occasion, even the most sorrowful. Flowers evoke images of peace and tranquility. It is their nature to do so. You are a special person
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Consider the flowers – they too live in this peace-less environment. They too have to endure the pollution and decay of the world of nature. Yet, wherever they are found – by the congested roadside, near the swamps, in the desert, amid the thorns, and sometimes even in animal dung, they are eternally beautiful and fragrant…. In a peace-less world, you too can remain peace-full. You are a special person
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It may seem almost useless to talk about peace when all around us we see a continued state of ‘peacelessness.’ It is this state that forces on us the necessity of finding our own SOURCE of peace to draw upon and live from. You are a special person
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To age shouldn’t be your worry; but by worrying you will age. Free your mind from ALL bondage and attachments. You are a special person
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War are fought in the minds of ‘men’ long before the battlefields…. Peace is an innate quality of the soul. When love is missing, there can be no peace of mind – just chaos, war and strife. You are a special person
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When there is FAITH and VICTORY in the mind, success can be gained. If your thoughts are WEAK, there is DEFEAT. You are a special person
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By letting God’s WISDOM guide you, you discover the GREATNESS within yourself and the BEAUTY within others. You are a special person
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The only solution to the most difficult problems in society is CHARACTER… if CHARACTER is lost, no PRESTIGE remains – look around you. You are a special person
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If you allow yourself to be puffed up with praise and fame, then insult and defamation will destroy you. Use HUMILITY as your shield of protection. You are a special person
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LOVE is universal. It has no limits – if we let it. You are a special person
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Learning to LOVE yourself frees you from HATRED of others. You are a special person
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When promises are not kept, close friends are lost. Love that hurts is NOT love at all. You are a special person
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If we realize that wars are born in the minds of men, we would make GREATER efforts for peace of mind. You are a special person
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A person who is CROOKED can never enjoy real peace of mind. His TRICKS tie him into KNOTS – be honest in ALL your dealings. You are a special person
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The quality of our thoughts determines the degree of our happiness. Think positively. You are a special person
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What is more important, your STANDARD of living or living a life with proper STANDARDS? You are a special person
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If you allow your mind to carry burdens, you will experience heaviness and become tired easily – the price of freedom is always RESPONSIBILITY. You are a special person
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The lie you tell today will force you to lie again tomorrow. The TRUTH is that TRUTH is. You are a special person
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If you WANT to advance in life, you must make sure that your WANTS don’t advance. You are a special person
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If thru some error yesterday was lost in grief and sorrow, don’t lose today by keeping it in your memory – cheerfulness is the beauty of the face. You are a special person
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Waste thoughts make you heavy and tired; positive thoughts make you happy, light, and refreshed – to taste the sweetness of life, you must have the power to forget the past. You are a special person
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The more you enjoy putting in good efforts, the greater will be your happiness on receiving the fruits of those efforts. You are a special person
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Thoughts are food for the mind. A new thought every day will provide the nutrition and stimulus needed to keep the mind healthy and enthusiastic about life. You are a special person
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Real cooperation takes place when there are good wishes and pure feelings for each other. To cooperate with God in ‘His’ task is the GREATEST achievement ever. You are a special person
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Cheerfulness keeps up the spirit of the one who possesses it and brings a smile to the lips of others. You are a special person
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To give happiness to others is a great act of charity… a smile can make short work of any difficulty You are a special person
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Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with GREAT wealth. You are a special person
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To UNDERSTAND something you need KNOWLEDGE, but to FEEL it you need EXPERIENCE. You are a special person
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If you HATE/AVOID someone because of the clothes ‘he’ wears, it is the same as HATING/AVOIDING someone because of the color of ‘his’ skin – have LOVE and TOLERANCE for everyone. You are a special person
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Sometimes out of jealousy we try to degrade others, and in so doing we degrade ourselves. Be kind and loving to each other. You are a special person
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The more love you give, the more you receive; the more you have, the easier it becomes to give. You are a special person
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When a person SURRENDERS to God, he switches his mind to ‘Him,’ listens to ‘His’ advice and then acts accordingly. You are a special person
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If you consider all your actions are for God, then every task becomes a pleasure to perform. You are a special person
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If a task is performed with the feeling of love, then there is instant success. You are a special person
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The wealth of a rich man can be stolen or burnt, but the happiness and wisdom of the wise remain. You are a special person
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Once you experience God, there is no need to look for anyone better – there is none. You are a special person
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