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God is the OCEAN of virtues. When you are burning with any vice, cool off, take a dip in that OCEAN. You are a special person
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Time is life – wasting time is wasting one’s life….Spend your time WISELY!!
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Good, clean competition is healthy, but JEALOUSY is a fatal sickness. Be kind, be gentle, be sweet. You are a special person
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What you experience now is a result of the past; what you’ll experience in the future depends on what you are doing NOW. You are a special person
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When others can’t STAND you because they don’t UNDERSTAND you, God will always STAND by you, because… You are a special person
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To have respect for the self and love for God makes it easy, very easy to appreciate other human beings. You are a special person
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Do not just be concerned about your RIGHTS, but consider whether or not you are RIGHT. You are a special person
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Problems in the world will increase; therefore, you should increase your capacity for dealing with problems. You are a special person
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If clouds of doubts are always in the mind, water will continuously fall from the eyes. You are a special person
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The more you do service for others, the more you do GOOD for the self. Be GOOD to yourself every day. You are a special person
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Nothing is just coincidence; every tree in life’s garden bears a significant fruit. The one who knows how to ADJUST is the one Who knows how to STRIVE and SURVIVE You are a special person
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It only takes an ounce of COURAGE to remove a ton of DISTRESS. To forget your troubles, remember God. You are a special person
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The account of peace, love and happiness is CREDITED when God is remembered, but DEBITED when ‘He’ is forgotten – just a reminder. You are a special person
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We are limited in the amount of help we can give to others. It is much better to help souls come closer to God, than to try and give help to them – ‘teach them to fish,’ so to speak. You are a special person
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When we TRULY observe the beauty that is within God, it becomes easy, very easy to appreciate the beauty within CREATION. You are a special person
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The quality of our thoughts determines our own personal degree of happiness. We may forget our own virtues to make us happy but God, our creator, never forgets. You are a special person
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The greatest service is to share with others the joys of living – that’s our true purpose. You are a special person
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True POWER is not power over our one another, but power over our own sense organs – over our own ACQUIRED negative conditionings (EGO, ANGER, GREED, LUST, ATTACHMENT., etc) A POWERFUL soul is one that can easily, in a second, put a “FULL STOP” to negative thoughts when they come; thus finishing all waste actions. You are a special person
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Once you get used to doing NOTHING, soon after you will realize that there is no time left over to become BUSY.. You are a special person
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Become the magnet of PEACE so that you can attract PEACELESS souls and make them PEACEFUL. You are a special person
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If every step is taken in the remembrance of God, can you then imagine how much FORTUNE there is in every STEP – can you I ask? You are a special person
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Very fortunate is the one who has learned to LOVE and ADMIRE, and not to HATE and ENVY. You are a special person
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A person who lies is DISHONEST and can never enjoy real peace of mind – his tricks tie him into KNOTS. We see that every day in society, don’t we? For peace of mind, always operate from a place of PEACE. You are a special person
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Make effort to UPLIFT yourself. Do not degrade yourself, for one’s own self is one’s friend – in so much the same way one’s own self is one’s enemy You are a special person
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When all your ATTACHMENTS are with God, then your achievements become plentiful You are a special person
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A rose can live amongst the thorns and yet never be injured by them – can you? To be LOVINGLY detached is a GREAT virtue You are a special person
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PIN all your hopes in God, then you will not be PINNED down by man. You are a special person
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If you do WRONG and try to prove you are RIGHT, TIME will smile on your ARROGANCE. You are a special person
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If we realize that wars are born in the minds of men, we would make greater efforts for peace of mind. By nature, we are ALL peaceful beings. You are a special person
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Never blame others to protect yourself, for TIME has a way of revealing TRUTH. You are a special person
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It’s more to UNDERSTAND the tree of life than to just simply STAND under its branches. One should be SIMPLE, but not STUPID. There’s POWER in SIMPLICITY. You are a special person
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Weapons by themselves are not dangerous, it is the anger within man that is HARMFUL. To protect yourself, use the quality of LOVE as your armor. You are a special person
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If you ‘bang’ your head against the wall when problems come, soon and very soon your brain will get messed up. Remain calm under all conditions…. Self-control will give you unlimited CONTROL. You are a special person
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Remembrances are often life’s lessons that were often forgotten – the search of SELF requires accurate memories of the SELF. You are a special person
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Sometimes you put out a helping hand to people and they SPIT on it, nonetheless, thru your thoughts give love and mercy. You are a special person
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Be careful!! your each EXPRESSION will leave an IMPRESSION. You are a special person
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The harmony that exists within the minds of individuals will be reflected in HARMONIOUS relationships. You are a special person
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Pure manners are filled with GRACE. Impure manners are DISGRACEFUL. Sometimes the greatest contribution you can make is to give REGARDS. You are a special person
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We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. See firsthand what happens when you love God. You are a special person
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The MORE you try to guess, the LESS your mind is at rest. There is POWER in silence. You are a special person
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Sometimes in life we wear so many different masks that it becomes difficult for our TRUE selves to be seen. You are a special person
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If a person hides his feelings, is it because there is something wrong with his feelings – is it I ask? You are a special person
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The ONLY way to get rid of your enemies is to make them your friends. Learning to love yourself frees you from hatred of others – both requires practice however. You are a special person
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When you burn with the fire of ANGER, smoke gets in your eyes – you are blinded by it. Weapons by themselves are not dangerous, it is the ANGER within man that is harmful. LOVE is the cure for all our sorrows. You are a special person
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One who is crooked CANNOT enjoy real peace of mind. His tricks always tie him into KNOTS. Let your mind be free and happy. You are a special person
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The one who is honest and has a true heart will always feel ‘light’ and tension-free. So, have you ‘weighed-in’ today? You are a special person
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The world has now become like a ‘wild storm.’ The ONLY visible shelter is God. To get out of the rain, the time is NOW!! Stay DRY my friends. You are a special person
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VALUES are the treasures of life, making humans wealthy and rich…Values are friends, bringing happiness in life. A life filled with VALUES is a life of self-respect and dignity. Where there are no values, CHAOS resides – there can’t be GREATNESS. You are a special person
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Did you know that LOVE has nothing to with bodies? Love is a great power, but it takes POWER to have pure LOVE. You are a special person
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To smile in the face of disaster is the result of a stable mind – self-control will give you unlimited control. You are a special person
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From a slip of the foot we may recover, however a slip of the tongue leaves deep imprint.. Speak sweetly, softly, and kindly to or about others. You are a special person
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Even if you are sick and become your ‘doctor’s’ PATIENT, you should never ever lose your ‘own’ PATIENCE.’ In all aspect remain positive – have faith in self, God, and in life’s drama. You are a special person
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Everybody is attracted by beauty and quality. It is a rare quality to help the so called ugly and the unqualified. You are a special person
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If I OFTEN do wrong in the world and then each TIME try to prove to the world that I am ALWAYS right, TIME will frown on my foolish MISTAKES, in due TIME…. So let me now hasten to become WISE and stop the cycle of FOOLISHNESS. You are a special person
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The lie you tell today will cause you to lie again tomorrow. Truth doesn’t need to be explained and/or defended – truth is…. You are a special person
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Misunderstanding can be erased by love-full, pure thoughts, and giving understanding at the same time. You are a special person
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Don’t lose hope in those who appear hopeless. Show love and compassion for all souls. They too are children of the one Father who may have simply lost their way, temporarily. You are a special person
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When hatred raises its ugly head, even the one we say we LIKE become our gravest enemy. It is happening right before our very eyes in lies and deceits. You are a special person
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If your focus on another is always that of gender/race, you would have undoubtedly missed their specialties. Use the power of your mind to always transmit your love to everyone, regardless of their gender and/or race You are a special person
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The challenges we face in our daily lives make us lose our ability to remain calm and peaceful. You are a special person
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Nature, TODAY, affords us an OPPORTUNITY to reflect and adjust. Use TODAY wisely – see TODAY as more than just an OPPORTUNITY for RANDOM ‘down-time’ on a day like TODAY….. REFLECT AND ADJUST!! You are a special person
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One way to GUARD against the feelings of hate, is to give REGARD – in all RESPECTS keep giving RESPECT. You are a special person
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There is nothing more nourishing than happiness. To give happiness to others is a great act of charity. You are a special person
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Can someone, who causes pain to others, experience real JOY? The moment you insult your fellow-man, that is the moment you lose the respect of others. You are a special person
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If your face is always full of worry, you will cause others to worry as well; especially if they care about you. You are a special person
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Your specialty influences others, so use it the best way you can. To remain cheerful, congratulate the self and congratulate others on their specialty. You are a special person
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Make effort to uplift yourself – do not degrade yourself – for one’s own self is one’s own friend, and one’s own self is one’s own enemy. You are a special person
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Hey FB family: If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and would like to give up on consistently trying to give up something negative for LENT; maybe today is the day to change your focus – start by adopting something good and positive. After all, it is much easier to adopt something new than to give up something old. In time, your new adoption will replace the old that which you have so long been trying to rid yourself of…. just saying!! You are a special person
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The one who truly UNDERSTANDS himself is able to truly STAND by himself. You are a special person
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One who is lazy is always occupied with his laziness. They have no time leftover to be productive – the weak and idle mind cannot create powerful/positive thoughts. You are a special person
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God is the Ocean of all our virtues. If you are burning with any vice, take a dip in that Ocean. You are a special person
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If you rely on too many people, you INCREASE your chances of being ALWAYS disappointed – rely on God. You are a special person
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One is pronounced GREAT when one can face a difficult situation with happiness and laughter. You are a special person
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Problems in the world will INCREASE, therefore it becomes imperative that you INCREASE your capacity for dealing with problems. You are a special person
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CONDITION your mind and remain cool under all CONDITIONS – FREE yourself of the bondage of old and negative CONDITIONING of who you are not. “FREEDOM IS A SERIOUS THING” You are a special person
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If someone speaks to you with ANGER, pour the soothing waters of LOVE on their FIRE. You are a special person
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There is a popular song which states that “What the world needs now is love – sweet love.” What the world needs however, is the accurate understanding of love. Love has nothing to do with bodies; love dwells in the soul/spirit. We must allow our love to flow outwards and around us. By allowing our love to flow, we become ‘moistened’ and ‘sweet’ and remain forever fresh, attractive, and healthy. For indeed “Love is the key – the ultimate answer.” You are a special person
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Love is being in balance, that is, in harmony with the self, with God, and with our fellow human beings. Love is selflessness – it is not an emotional state confined to whims and fancies – love is just that, LOVE!! You are a special person
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Love is indeed a most powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us feeling light and refreshed. Yet, it has been the most abused and misused force. Many degraded things are been passed off as love… true love is based on understanding, mutual trust and respect – not simply on emotions Happy valentine’s Day. You are a special person
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Sometimes a smile can be like a drop of water in the desert. When you smile, not only do you feel happy but you bring a ray of light into the lives of others. You are a special person
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As we THINK and do, so we become. Every THOUGHT and ACTION that we perform is recorded in us. Over time, these imprints ultimately mould our character and destiny. You are a special person
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To forget your troubles remember God. Simple and easy, right? You are a special person
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When your friends make mistakes, don’t COUNT them. Instead allow your friends to COUNT on you for your co-operation. You are a special person
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He who looks for dirt in others first finds it in himself.. God loves us no matter what. He sees in us only that which ‘He’ has created, and not what we have become. You are a special person
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Let there be the sparkle of LOVE in your eyes and the smile of JOY on your lips. This is the most elevated personality. You are a special person
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If you value your thoughts and use them as carefully as you use money, you will never find yourself spiritually bankrupt. You are a special person
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To save yourself from useless and painful feelings, don’t think about useless or negative things, especially of the past. You are a special person
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Your happiness is lost when you allow thoughts of envy and jealousy to creep in. On the contrary however, thoughts of love and good wishes cure all sorrows. You are a special person
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The more you lie to yourself, the more lies you tell yourself. So put a full-stop to stop and stop!!! You are a special person
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We try controlling others after we have lost control of ourselves. You are a special person
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You can serve by sending vibrations of peace and love through your thoughts. So never stop giving this form of support in your daily interactions with others. You are a special person
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To resolve problems by giving up or walking away is to deceive yourself. The same difficulty will occur either with someone else or in another situation. You are a special person
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If you ALWAYS agree with people who gossip, soon and very soon you will be the next one they slander. The lie they tell today will FORCE them to lie again tomorrow. You are a special person
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Learning to love yourself frees you from hatred of others. Self-control will give you unlimited control. You are a special person
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What is more important, your standard of living or living a life with correct standards? The one who knows how to ADJUST is the one who knows how to STRIVE. You are a special person
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Ego and anger destroy not only the beauty of the face, but also the beauty of the heart – pay attention, close ATTENTION!! You are a special person
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Instead of being disheartened by negative attacks, understand the attackers and where they are in consciousness. Transform their hate into love… Turn the other cheek, so to speak. You are a special person
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Love for God enables you to love ALL and hate NONE. Love for only ONE individual makes you love only one but could hate MANY. You are a special person
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When one observes the beauty that is within God, it becomes quite easy to appreciate the beauty within ‘HIS’ creation. You are a special person
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